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5 Secrets to 6 Figures

Thanks for signing up for

"5 Secrets to Landing a 6 Figure Job"


This 1 hour session will take place Thursday, June 20
Noon Eastern / 11AM Central / 10AM Mountain / 9AM Pacific

To make sure I address your most pressing issues, I invite you to email me at the address below with the biggest obstacle you might face in landing the 6 figure job you really want.


The session will take place by Zoom.  Don't worry if you don't have access to a webcam or a computer - you can simply participate by phone.  Be sure to sign in on time, or even a few minutes ahead, or you will miss part of the presentation!


Watch for access instructions the week before - if they haven't arrived by Monday the 17th, or you have any questions, just call me at (908) 725-2437 or email me at


I look forward to talking with you on the 20th!