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PR: It’s Not All About You:
A Free Webinar

Many people struggle to build a brand, but make a critical mistake: They focus on themselves rather than their audience.

Meta S. Brown is a data analytics expert who helps technical people communicate effectively with executive decision makers. Her analytics talks and articles draw large audiences. She’s spoken to groups of more than 1000 people, and her most popular article has been read nearly one million times.

Her secret is helping others answer the WIIFM question (What’s In It For Me?). Meta has shown thousands how to bridge the communication gap between business leaders and technical professionals through her consulting and events such as “Storytelling for Data Analysts” workshops.

Join me on Monday, July 12 at Noon Eastern / 11AM Central / 10AM Mountain / 9AM Pacific as Meta shares the keys to engaging writing that builds a successful brand, whether it’s for your business, cause, or career. (If you can't make it live, I will make a recording available to registrants for a limited time afterwards.)

Speaker Bios

John Hadley ( is a recognized expert in career search, who for 18 years has specialized in helping job seekers who are frustrated with their search. A popular and sought-after speaker and author on every aspect of the job hunt, he has coached 100's to land the job and pay they deserve, and helped thousands through his seminars, tele-classes, webinars, videos and insightful Career Tips newsletter.

Meta Brown ( is best known as author of Data Mining for Dummies, and more than 300 other books and articles. Her consulting practice focuses on making data analytics work for business.

Participation in this session will be limited. Don't miss out - register now to guarantee yourself a seat!