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The Keys to Selling Your Achievements

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The Keys to Selling Your Achievements

Create Powerful Visibility to Accelerate Your Job Search and Career By Learning The Keys To Selling Your Achievements!

“I don’t like to boast!”

“Why can’t everyone just recognize the incredible value I add?”

I hear this all the time. The sad truth is that other people don’t want to work to understand the value you bring to the table. Perhaps the most important move you can make to accelerate your job search and your career is to learn how to Sell Your Achievements in a concise, compelling way. This creates the visibility that ensures that as opportunities arise, your name is at the top of the list. And when you have a job interview, concise, compelling, results-oriented stories are absolutely critical to demonstrating that you will deliver, that you are the critical addition a hiring manager desperately needs!

Wouldn’t you like to feel totally confident in your ability to present your accomplishments in a way that grabs other people’s attention? To express that value both orally and in writing? To demonstrate to others exactly what you are capable of bringing to the table?


In the past 9 years, I’ve helped 100's of people learn how to unlock the value they were struggling to express. Just ask Teri:


"I spent thousands of dollars on professional services to help me with my job search. In just one session, John Hadley dramatically improved the résumé they took weeks to prepare. His insights into how best to present my accomplishments were invaluable."


Many people feel overwhelmed by the thought of trying to document all of the things they have accomplished during their careers, much less in their most recent job. When asked to describe something they did, they tend to talk too long, losing the essence of the story. Or they neglect to relate their story to exactly what their accomplishment meant to the company.


The secret is to communicate clearly the importance of the project, what you actually did, and then translate that into meaningful results, while keeping your story short enough to be compelling. What if you could learn exactly how to do that?


You Can, With My ELearning System:
“The Keys to Selling Your Achievements!”
Keys to Selling Your Achievements

One of the most important benefits of learning to Sell Your Achievements is the self-confidence that comes with not just believing you bring dramatic value to the table, but in being able to express it. This ELearning system will teach YOU the secrets I share with my clients every day! Just ask Kevin what this meant to his career search:


"After a 3-year job search, within three months of working with John Hadley, I have an exciting new job. John helped me not only with the mechanics of my job search, but also to overcome the loss of confidence, which was sabotaging my search. And the simple technique he taught me to use in negotiating the final offer earned me an additional $10,000 in base salary!"


This on-line course consists of 3 forty-five minute audio programs and an 80+ page digital workbook that walks you through, step-by-step:

  • How to Express an Accomplishment in a Clear, Concise, Compelling Story
  • Ways to Convert Your Stories into the Short Bullet Points Critical to Demonstrating Your Results in a Résumé
  • The Secrets of Creating a Killer Résumé that is a true Sales Brochure for Your Candidacy
  • Techniques for Crafting a Cover Letter that Hiring Mangers WANT to Read


How can this help you?


Just ask Alice:


“The cover letter and résumé you helped me craft really did the trick! I sent them out to 9 hiring managers I hadn't met, and within 2 weeks had 3 formal interviews and 2 informational interviews --- and the job offer I wanted!"


At the end of this program, you will:

  • have everything you need to deliver a series of accomplishment stories that "sell" the value you bring to the table in every venue, from networking meetings to interviews to performance discussions with your boss,
  • know how to use those stories to craft a résumé that cries out to be noticed,
  • be able to write a cover letter that grabs attention, and
  • have the self-confidence that comes from knowing you can clearly express your value in any forum!


What is this program worth?


People pay me hundreds to thousands of dollars to coach them one-on-one on these these techniques. I am willing to teach YOU these same principles for only $75! And if you act now, I will throw in these bonuses:


Bonus #1: “Cut Your Job Search In Half” (Valued @ $25)

This 1 hour interview is chock full of ideas to accelerate your search.

Bonus #2: “Winning Résumé Assessment” (Valued @ $100)

I will assess your résumé and provide you a detailed report on specific things you can do to make it even better.


With these 2 bonuses, you are in essence getting the ELearning system itself for free!


Plus, I will give you a 30 day money back guarantee. Try out the program, and if you aren’t convinced of the incredible value you have gotten from it, just tell me and you will receive a full refund! All I ask in return is that you give me specific feedback as to what would have been needed to make the program work for you.


Think about this: If you are already in a career search, and your goal is just a $52,000 salary, shaving just one week off your job search is worth $1,000. Cutting off a month at a $104,000 salary is worth over $8,000.


Learning to Sell Your Achievements effectively is the key, and here it will only cost you $75! Can you afford to pass up an investment with that potential return?


So don’t put off learning how to create a dramatic difference in your visibility on the job, in a career search, in your networking activities, or anywhere you need to Sell Your Achievements!


Buy "The Keys To Selling Your Achievements!"

PS: Remember, you are receiving the powerful tools and strategies to increase your visibility for the small investment of only $75.


PS: Purchase "The Keys to Selling Your Achievements!" now to receive both my "Cut Your Job Search in Half" interview and my personalized Winning Résumé Assessment (combined bonus value of $75) for free!