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Welcome to LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn

By John Hadley | Jun 7, 2009

People often ask me if LinkedIn is worthwhile for a job search.   It can be very useful, if you put some work into it to make it effective. I found in my own case that once I passed a threshhold of around 100 direct connections, it made a huge difference in the results I saw. […]

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Wall Of Heads

Headhunter Needed

By John Hadley | May 31, 2009

I’ve many times seen postings requesting leads to recruiters…and sometimes respond to them. Here’s a sample:   “Dear Mr. Hadley, I am jobless and I was wondering how I can find a good headhunter?”   First off, rather than simply relying on a headhunter, why not do some serious networking to also uncover great opportunities […]

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How To Reach Out To Contact

By John Hadley | May 16, 2009

“I’m listening to your networking sessions. I have a specific question re: “approach.” I have a contact that I’m linked to via LinkedIn. I also worked with her on a major initiative. She currently is at the Director level and there is a manager level position being advertised.   I have her work phone number […]

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Fanning out 100 Dollar Bills

Negotiating A Higher Starting Salary

By John Hadley | May 10, 2009

“The last company I worked for was small and didn’t pay very well. I gained a lot of experience but my pay doesn’t match my last position. I am attempting to get interviewed/hired into a position that is a step up from my last position and a large jump in pay but I am having […]

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“Old Hand” Needs New Tricks

By John Hadley | May 2, 2009

“John, I took your “5 Secrets” seminar in 2005, when the software company I worked for essentially collapsed. I then went with another small software start-up, which was acquired last year “at below market rates” and was immediately laid off by the acquiring company.   Since then I have pursued two directions: My passion, returning […]

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Money Burning

Pay (Cut) Negotiations

By John Hadley | Apr 26, 2009

“I am working for a recruiting firm, and have been told that I can stay if I accept a 40% cut in pay until business picks up.  A bucket of ice water in the face does not adequately describe my initial thoughts. I am at a crossroads as unemployment would be more for me after […]

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Child Playing Jenga

Tricky Interview Questions

By John Hadley | Apr 19, 2009

“In one of my interviews, I was asked the following questions: What are the qualities that “you think” your colleagues like in you? What are the traits that “you think” are disliked? I just wanted to know how should we answer such a question and what is the purpose of such a question?” These are […]

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The Message Dream

Figuring Out My “Dream” Job

By John Hadley | Apr 11, 2009

“Recently I began attending an 8-week career seminar. At age 62, I have not had permanent work since 2006, following the 2nd of two layoffs in less than 2 years. I cannot say that I have ever found my “sweet spot” as to doing work that I love. I have also taken several assessment tests […]

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Looking Through Spyglass

Explaining Why You’re Looking

By John Hadley | Apr 6, 2009

“How should I handle a question as to why I would consider leaving an employer that I have been with for a relatively short time? I have been employed with my current employer for 7 months, the previous employer was for 8 years.” You need to keep your answer short and simple…the longer the answer, […]

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