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We Want You

Working With Recruiters

By John Hadley | Sep 5, 2008

Recruiters can be critical contacts in a Career Search, but you need to go about working with them the right way.  Just as in any profession, there are a large number of average (or worse) recruiters, and a small percentage of top-notch professionals.   You want to be selective, choosing to work actively only with those […]

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Piles of Coins

When To Talk About Salary (Redux)

By John Hadley | Aug 30, 2008

When I first wrote my piece “When to Talk About Salary”, I received the following comment: “I couldn’t disagree with your comments about salary more. Hiring someone is an economic transaction. To not talk about salary is to hide part of the facts of the transaction from one of the parties involved in the deal. There […]

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Wrist With A Rolex

When to Talk About Salary

By John Hadley | Aug 14, 2008

When a job seeker told me he’d had a great interview, but that they wouldn’t pay him enough to make it worthwhile, I asked how he knew. His answer: “Because I asked them what the range was.”   I asked why he did that. The question surprised him. “Because I wanted to know … but don’t worry, […]

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End The Interview Well

By John Hadley | Jun 13, 2008

Someone asked me a good question, and I thought other readers would benefit from the answer. I invite you to post your own responses & comments as well… “I’ve gotten the interview, established good rapport and made it known that I’m interested. How do I close the deal or get the job? Some say simply […]

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Just Accepted The Offer

Turn Interviews Into Offers

By John Hadley | Jun 5, 2008

Many candidates spend a lot of time thinking about what questions might come up in job interviews, and carefully crafting compelling answers to those.  They think about what insightful questions they might be able to pose at the end of the interview.  (Incidentally, right there is a common trap that can hold them back from […]

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Proof On Whiteboard

The 3rd Question Your Résumé Must Answer

By John Hadley | May 30, 2008

Finally, let’s look at the last of the 3 questions your résumé MUST answer to get a hiring manager to sit up and take notice:   Does it prove you will deliver? Once your résumé has passed the first 2 tests mentioned in my earlier postings, you’ve got my interest. Now you need to demonstrate that […]

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Group Success

The 2nd Question Your Résumé Must Answer

By John Hadley | May 27, 2008

Last time we dove into the 1st of the 3 questions your résumé MUST answer to get a hiring manager to sit up and take notice, “Does it have a strong professional appearance.”  Now let’s look at #2:   Does it pass the 10-second test?   Let’s face it – recruiters, HR professionals, and hiring […]

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Woman Looking Professional

The 1st Question Your Résumé Must Answer

By John Hadley | May 24, 2008

In my last entry, I talked about the 3 questions your résumé MUST answer to get a hiring manager to sit up and take notice.  Now let’s do a deep dive into the 1st question: Does it have a strong professional image? You might respond: “Why should I worry about that? It’s just window dressing. […]

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A Blank Resume

3 Questions Your Résumé Must Answer

By John Hadley | May 21, 2008

Would this ”Objective” opening grab your attention and make you excited to read the rest of my résumé?   “Seeking a management level role that will let me use my acquired skills and talents in mentoring, leadership and work unit reorganization to help a forward-looking company improve its efficiency and enable me to energize my career.”   This […]

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