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Does Your Résumé Have Enough of the Right Keywords?

By John Hadley | May 29, 2010

Candidates are very concerned about the screening process they hit when they submit to posted openings, and how to get their résumé to the top of the pile.  One critical aspect is keywords.  My good friend Alex Freund wrote a simple, step-by-step approach to this in his blog.   Sometimes I hear people giving advice to put […]

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Reviewing a resume

Flaws In Your Résumé or Background

By John Hadley | May 24, 2010

I was reading Abby Kohut’s excellent book, Absolutely Abby’s 101 Job Search Secrets, and came across this statement: “Prepare a good reason for any gaps on your resume in addition to an explanation of what activities you were involved in that may have enhanced your career, including personal activities. Gaps are typically not the reason […]

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Falling Down Stairs

10 Traps That Snare Job Seekers

By John Hadley | May 20, 2010

As I prepared for my tele-class “10 Traps That Snare Jobseekers…And How To Avoid Them”, even my ‘quick list’ of traps quickly grew to exceed 50! The class promised to be a content-rich hour … I compressed as many as I could down into 10 themes, and perhaps this will need to lead to a […]

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Smiling Men Shaking Hands

Working With Recruiters

By John Hadley | May 11, 2010

I just came across this posting to a variety of networking groups to which I belong:   “As you probably already know recruiters usually have the best jobs in the market, the ones that are not posted. The ones only the recruiter can get because of his or her relationship with the client.   A […]

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Spreading Arms To Sunrise


By John Hadley | Apr 2, 2010

You never know where inspiration is going to hit you … which is a good argument for opening yourself up to various experiences and moving out of your comfort zone. I’ve always heard experts tout reading occasional publications outside your field, so that you would get perspectives. My reaction often was, “I get it, but […]

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Joined Hands

Building Stronger LinkedIn Connections

By John Hadley | Feb 24, 2010

Did you spend time building up a good set of LinkedIn connections?   Have you spent an equal amount of effort keeping those as strong connections?   It’s easy to forget to build on the relationships we have, particularly when we are busy at work, and allow them to slowly wither on the vine.   […]

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New Bud In Hand

Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?

By John Hadley | Feb 15, 2010

If you are interested in accelerating your career growth, I’ve written a number of articles on different aspects of this. The latest is “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”, which I wrote for the Actuary of the Future magazine. In it I share my own career journey, and key lessons learned others can […]

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No Trespassing Signs

Phrases to Kill Your Search #4

By John Hadley | Jan 10, 2010

Here’s the final installment (for now) in my look at search-killing phrases.   “I want …”   Your marketing message, your résumé, your cover letter, etc. should all be focused on what THE OTHER PERSON wants, not on what you want.  Your goals will come out in the process of the discussion, but you want […]

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Holding Golden Eggs

Always Show Value

By John Hadley | Jan 1, 2010

“You don’t have to be the first to be a success.  You don’t have to be unique.  You don’t have to be revolutionary.  What you do have to do, however, is give people value.  Give them a reason to buy from you instead of from somebody else.” – Tim Berry, author and founder of multiple […]

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