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Frustrated Man

What Topics Do You Want To See?

By John Hadley | Jul 6, 2021

I’m reigniting my blog, and need your help.   What topics are most interesting to you? What issues do you most want to read about? What are the biggest challenges you face in your career search, on the job, or in self-promotion without bragging?   Past entries have dealt with a variety of both career […]

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Brand by Writing

PR: It’s Not All About You

By John Hadley | Jun 28, 2021

PR: It’s Not All About You A Free Webinar: Monday, July 12 Noon Eastern / 11AM Central / 10AM Mountain / 9AM Pacific Many people struggle to build a brand, but make a critical mistake: They focus on themselves rather than their audience. Meta S. Brown is a data analytics expert who helps technical people […]

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Just Accepted The Offer

Hit The Ground Running In Your New Job

By John Hadley | Feb 4, 2021

Over the next few weeks, let’s explore some of the ways you can make the most of your new job…   Before you even start your new job, you need to think about the networking you’ve done and the contacts you’ve made during your search. Hopefully, you’ve kept careful records of who you’ve met along […]

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No Trespassing Signs

Phrases To Kill Your Search

By John Hadley | Dec 17, 2019

In my travels, I get to hear and see a lot of elevator pitches, marketing messages, sales pieces, cover letters, résumés, engagement bios, etc.  Most of these include phrases that range from meaningless to unhelpful to seriously detrimental to any attempt to market yourself or your practice.   Over the next several weeks, I’m going to […]

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Girl With Magnifying Glass

Pause Your Job Search For The Holidays?

By John Hadley | Dec 26, 2010

Many candidates make the mistake of all but stopping their searches from Thanksgiving to New Years, thinking that the holidays are an unproductive time.  Nothing could be further from the truth!   This is actually one of the best times to be moving forward in your search.   If you need some downtime to spend enjoying […]

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possessed photography YKW0JjP7rlU unsplash Robot

Describing Yourself In An Interview

By John Hadley | Aug 29, 2010

In both interviews and one-on-one networking meetings, you want to have a good answer to “Tell Me About Yourself.”   Even if you are never asked the question, you want to find a way to work this into your presentation. This is how you draw for the other person the picture you want of what […]

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A Bad Review

How To Handle A Bad Reference

By John Hadley | Aug 14, 2010

I came across a good discussion of  how to handle a bad reference in a job-search-related blog.  While the blog seems to have been closed, here was the essence of their point:   A key point when seeking critique in any situation is this – don’t get defensive.  As soon as you start to try […]

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Looking up to the sky

What Is Your Biggest Obstacle To Career Growth?

By John Hadley | Jul 10, 2010

I invite you to submit your answers to this question:   “What Is Your Biggest Obstacle To Career Growth?”   Post your answers in a comment to this entry, and then I will share suggestions for dealing with those issues.   In the meanwhile, here’s an article on Achieving Your Career Potential.

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One Way Signs

More Career / Career Search Resources

By John Hadley | Jun 27, 2010

If you are looking to move your career or career search forward, here are just a few of the articles in my free reference library:   In Career Search: Leave Them Wanting to Know More When to Leave a Job My HOMER Template for Interviews In Career Growth: Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years […]

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