
Hand Raised To Sky

(Influential Leadership) 15 Minutes To Power

Today’s tip is about a technique for overcoming procrastination called “15-Minute Power Chunks”.   The Problem: Lack of Follow Through How often do you find yourself thinking, “I really need to do this (i.e., a certain activity) because I know that doing it will significantly improve my business (life, relationship, career, etc.).”? In other words, […]

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Coffee First

(Influential Leadership) Do This First

One thing that is totally essential if you want to be an influential leader is that you must master how you spend your time. There will be tips coming soon in the series which will help you master time management. But ultimately how you manage your time comes down to how you live out your

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Getting Feedback

(Influential Leadership) Elicit Constructive Criticism

As I said last week, getting serious, critical feedback is one of the most important things you can do to increase your influence and advance your career. After all, the only objection you can never answer is the one you never knew about!   It’s not enough to just ask “How am I doing?” and

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Girl Whispering In Other Girl's Ear

(Influential Leadership) Find Out How You’re Doing

What’s the single most important thing you can do to: Increase your influence at work? Convince senior executives you are a top performer? Win that promotion? Uncover hidden career blockers?   The answer to all of these is the same – find out what you could be doing better!   Remember Ed Koch’s catchphrase when

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Never Give Up Message

(Influential Leadership) Don’t Quit!

I make it a habit to pay attention to patterns that make some successful while others fail. I look at my own life and look at times I’ve achieved and times it hasn’t worked out.   In the course of building four different businesses, there is one quality that is germane to reaching your goals:

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Talk To The Hand

(Influential Leadership) The Magic Conflict Question

The Magic Conflict Question CONFLICT – just the word triggers something in all of us. Most of us either want to avoid it or at least minimize it. Influential leaders learn how to skillfully handle conflict.   It’s About The Meaning How we handle conflict in relationships is influenced heavily by how we view it

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(Influential Leadership) The Art of Reframing

Anyone can lead when everyone is on the same page – that doesn’t take a lot of finesse. What distinguishes a truly effective leader is a facility with handling disagreements and outright conflict.   Previously I discussed avoiding the ‘but’ in your argument to help you be more effective in disagreeing professionally. Here’s another powerful

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(Influential Leadership) Ask The Right Questions

Five Types of Questions to Add to Your Influencing Toolkit In our last tip, we discussed how powerful questions can help you as a leader and coach. Now let’s explore specific types of questions that are most effective to ask when you want to influence others, and when to use them.   1. Low-Structured Questions

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Question Mark

(Influential Leadership) Ask Powerful Questions

In order to be a great leader, you want to be masterful at going beneath the surface to really understand your people and the issues they face.   It’s not enough for a leader to utilize the process of coaching. The key is to become a masterful coach.   There are certain skills that will

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christina wocintechchat com LQ1t 8Ms5PY unsplash Listening

(Influential Leadership) Level 2 Listening

Don’t Settle For Just “Listening” In our last Influential Leadership entry, we discussed how critical it is to incorporate coaching into our leadership style. One of the most underrated coaching skills, equally important to developing client relationships and managing people on your team, is the skill of listening. Did you know that there are different

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