
Good Guide

(Influential Leadership) Lead From Your Values

Last time, we covered the first of the “Four Tests of A Leader.”  Now let’s tackle the second.   “Why Should I Follow You?”   Are you professional who knows your success depends upon leading other professionals? Maybe you lead a consulting practice group, a division in your company, a sales team, or employees of […]

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Sign Youve Been Looking For

(Influential Leadership) Check Your Motives

In the next four Influential Leadership tips, we will cover the “Four Tests of A Leader.”  Take inventory of these four items so that your followers will know without a shadow of a doubt why they are following you.   “Why Should I Follow You?” Are you professional who knows your success depends upon leading

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Seen Through Glasses

(Influential Leadership) Focus To Create Success

I encourage you to pick up Jim Collins excellent book, Good to Great. In it he presents the results of exhaustive research into what distinguishes those companies that make the transition from ordinary, to having great results sustained over decades.   One of Collins’ core findings is relevant to every potential leader seeking to create

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(Influential Leadership) Diversify Your Portfolio of Resources

The Secret Most of Us Miss   The Sandcastle Frustration   Every summer we take a family vacation to Bethany Beach, DE and stay at a beach resort called Sea Colony. We’ve been going to Bethany Beach for more than 20 years!   Every Thursday, Sea Colony runs a sandcastle contest. Dozens of families participate.

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Runner Tying Shoes

(Influential Leadership) The “Running Man” Principle To Deal With Challenges

My Problem with Running I love to exercise and am an avid tennis player. In my younger years I used to run regularly to keep in shape. Not that I loved running, but running two or three miles was always a good way to keep fit and clear my head.   Over the years, running

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DJ In Front Of Crowd

(Influential Leadership) Surround Yourself With Good People

In his book, Good To Great, Jim Collins presenting his finding that a key distinguisher for the companies that went from merely good to great performers in their market space was what he nicknamed “Level 5” leaders. These aren’t the flashy, flamboyant leaders we read about in the trade press. These are very focused leaders

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Fancy Hourglass

(Influential Leadership) Outcome-Focused Planning

Is effectively managing your time a challenge for you? Do you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day and that you just don’t get to those things that really matter?   If so, you’re not alone. Effective time management seems to be a common ailment among independent professionals and a place where there’s

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Hand Raised To Sky

(Influential Leadership) 15 Minutes To Power

Today’s tip is about a technique for overcoming procrastination called “15-Minute Power Chunks”.   The Problem: Lack of Follow Through How often do you find yourself thinking, “I really need to do this (i.e., a certain activity) because I know that doing it will significantly improve my business (life, relationship, career, etc.).”? In other words,

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Coffee First

(Influential Leadership) Do This First

One thing that is totally essential if you want to be an influential leader is that you must master how you spend your time. There will be tips coming soon in the series which will help you master time management. But ultimately how you manage your time comes down to how you live out your

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Getting Feedback

(Influential Leadership) Elicit Constructive Criticism

As I said last week, getting serious, critical feedback is one of the most important things you can do to increase your influence and advance your career. After all, the only objection you can never answer is the one you never knew about!   It’s not enough to just ask “How am I doing?” and

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