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No Trespassing Signs

Phrases to Kill Your Search, #3

By John Hadley | Jan 1, 2010

Here’s the next of my search-killing phrases:   “I’m a results-oriented professional…”   or this variation:   “Proven results in…”   These are used all the time in résumés and cover letters, or even in oral 30-second pitches…and they do absolutely nothing for you.   Remember the adult voices on all the Charlie Brown specials, […]

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No Trespassing Signs

Search Killer Phrase #2

By John Hadley | Dec 20, 2009

Here’s the next in my series on search killer phrases.   “I can work in any industry”, or providing in your message 2 or 3 different industries as your targets.   Candidates who say this may think they are keeping their search open, but they are actually closing it down.  It has the same problem as “I […]

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Hand Holding Business Card

Don’t Give Out Business Cards

By John Hadley | Dec 13, 2009

Here’s a quote from a column by Michael Port, the NY Times bestselling author of Book Yourself Solid, in the December issue of Entrepreneur magazine. The title of the column: “Keep Your Cards To Yourself.”   “Don’t share your business card. Take some contrarian sales advice:  Never give out another business card again (unless someone asks for it, […]

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Christmas Trees In The Snow

Don’t Slow Your Search During The Holidays!

By John Hadley | Nov 27, 2009

Many job seekers make the mistake of thinking that the holiday season is a terrible time to be looking.  They assume that no one is going to hire during this season and that they are wasting their time.  As a result, they put their search on hold from Thanksgiving until New Year’s.   That’s great […]

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Girl Looking Through Spyglass

Looking While Contracting

By John Hadley | Nov 14, 2009

A question I received: “I’ve got a pretty good job right now. As a Contractor working for a Recruiting company, I am “rented” to a new startup company. The work scope is pleasing; I like, and do well at what they want. Work is solid for at least another six months I believe. Question: How […]

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People Around A Conference Table

Uncovering Company Culture

By John Hadley | Nov 8, 2009

This is a question that was posed: “The more you know about a company’s culture, the easier it can be to tell what what you can offer to them if there is a match. I wanted to know how you would go about finding which company is the right fit in an industry: Company websites […]

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Dog and Ball

Be On The Ball In Your Search

By John Hadley | Nov 7, 2009

What would you do with this situation?   I spoke at a Career Campaign event in NYC.  A week or two afterward I had a long conversation with one of the attendees.  He complained about how difficult it was to find interviews, and I asked what he had been doing to move his search forward. “Going […]

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Gray Haired Man In Suit

Job Search After 65

By John Hadley | Oct 24, 2009

I’m often asked about how to overcome age-ism.  Here’s a representative question: “What is frustrating these days is that there many people (Over the age of 65) with excellent experience, knowledge, and backgrounds in their respective areas of expertise but cannot find a suitable position. Employers, (who use younger recruiters) discreetly discriminate against older workers. Somehow […]

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Runner at Starting Line

Young People Just Starting Out

By John Hadley | Oct 17, 2009

Shelley asked about tips for young people just starting out – a great topic!  I’ll start the ball rolling here, and then you can add your own thoughts to mine.   First off, whether or not you admire your boss, you can learn a lot from him or her.  Observe what your boss does well, […]

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