John Hadley

Empty Classroom

Where’s The Beef?

OK, I’m probably dating myself here…remember those Wendy’s commercials in the 1980’s, when a little old lady ordered competitors burgers, only to exclaim “Where’s the beef?”   I’m reminded of those ads when I see resumes that say things like “results-oriented”, “highly motivated”, “outstanding communication skills”, and one of my favorites, “proven results in …”   These are

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Man In Suit Walking Away From Office

Better to Search While Employed?

Here’s a comment from one of my readers: “I say “WOW” to the comment “have the courage to walk away from the position you don’t want”.  (From Career Tips, March 2009.) I find it interesting that one wouldn’t know if they wanted the position prior to the interview. However, I have found that once you’re on the job you

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Dog In A Box

Think Outside The Box (In A Career Search)

In my August issue of Career Tips, I wrote about the benefits of volunteering to make yourself more marketable, and some potential traps to avoid.   Another form of ‘volunteering’ is the unpaid internship or ’sample’ consulting project.  Basically, you are giving a prospective employer something for free to demonstrate the value you can add. 

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